SP / 1995 São Paulo (SP) Vive e trabalha em São Paulo (SP) [Lives and works in São Paulo (SP)]
Victor Henrique Fidelis é um artista plástico de São Paulo, Brasil. Ele é formado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo e é um artista autodidata que vem desenvolvendo sua linguagem artística desde os 15 anos de idade. Ele explorou diversas técnicas de desenho, incluindo grafite, lápis de cor, caneta esferográfica e hidrográfica, e, mais recentemente, a tinta acrílica, que é atualmente sua principal técnica.
Suas obras abordam questões que intersectam com as experiências de corpos racializados no Brasil, explorando temas como o desconforto de conformar-se com normas pré-estabelecidas pela sociedade, a busca pela autoconsciência entre indivíduos negros, a riqueza e potencial da identidade afro-brasileira, e o poder de cura ao abraçar narrativas relacionadas à própria identidade diante da violência e do apagamento.
Fidelis participou da exposição coletiva “Brasil Futuro”, realizada no Museu Nacional da República (DF). Além disso, ele participou de feiras de arte tanto no Brasil quanto internacionalmente, incluindo a ArtRio, SP-Arte e a 1-54 Art Fair em Londres e Marrocos.
Victor Henrique Fidelis is a visual artist from São Paulo, Brazil. He has a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of São Paulo and is a self-taught artist who has been developing his artistic language since he was 15 years old. He explored various drawing techniques, including graphite, colored pencils, ballpoint and felt-tip pens, and, more recently, acrylic paint, which is currently his main technique.
His works address issues that intersect with the experiences of racialized bodies in Brazil, exploring themes such as the discomfort of conforming to norms pre-established by society, the search for self-awareness among black individuals, the richness and potential of Afro-Brazilian identity, and the healing power of embracing narratives related to one’s identity in the face of violence and erasure.
Fidelis participated in the collective exhibition “Brasil Futuro”, held at the National Museum of the Republic (DF). Additionally, he has participated in art fairs both in Brazil and internationally, including ArtRio, SP-Arte and the 1-54 Art Fair in London and Marraquesh.
Suas obras abordam questões que intersectam com as experiências de corpos racializados no Brasil, explorando temas como o desconforto de conformar-se com normas pré-estabelecidas pela sociedade, a busca pela autoconsciência entre indivíduos negros, a riqueza e potencial da identidade afro-brasileira, e o poder de cura ao abraçar narrativas relacionadas à própria identidade diante da violência e do apagamento.
Fidelis participou da exposição coletiva “Brasil Futuro”, realizada no Museu Nacional da República (DF). Além disso, ele participou de feiras de arte tanto no Brasil quanto internacionalmente, incluindo a ArtRio, SP-Arte e a 1-54 Art Fair em Londres e Marrocos.
Victor Henrique Fidelis is a visual artist from São Paulo, Brazil. He has a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of São Paulo and is a self-taught artist who has been developing his artistic language since he was 15 years old. He explored various drawing techniques, including graphite, colored pencils, ballpoint and felt-tip pens, and, more recently, acrylic paint, which is currently his main technique.
His works address issues that intersect with the experiences of racialized bodies in Brazil, exploring themes such as the discomfort of conforming to norms pre-established by society, the search for self-awareness among black individuals, the richness and potential of Afro-Brazilian identity, and the healing power of embracing narratives related to one’s identity in the face of violence and erasure.
Fidelis participated in the collective exhibition “Brasil Futuro”, held at the National Museum of the Republic (DF). Additionally, he has participated in art fairs both in Brazil and internationally, including ArtRio, SP-Arte and the 1-54 Art Fair in London and Marraquesh.